Deep Dive includes links for deeper exploration. Enjoy your journeys here.

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Here are links to some of our favorite articles sharing the benefits of the type of activities we are involved in:  We’ll be adding to this often, so check back.


  1. At Integrate Boise, you will hear the term “somatics” frequently:  Here is what Psychology Today has to say about somatics: A term we use often to describe the work we do at Integrate Boise.

  1. Why should you consider dancing?  Check out this article from Time Magazine:

  1. There’s proof:  Dancing makes people happy.  Check out the following article that explores this topic.

  1. Here is a truly deep dive into why dancers concern themselves with somatic practices:

  1. Enjoy this inspiring video of how a group of rabbis incorporate movement and dance into their spiritual practices.

  1. Interested in learning more about Nia and the benefits of dance?  Take a gander.